Syllogism Practice Questions : Level 02

DIRECTIONS for questions 1 – 5: In each of the questions below are given three statements, followed by conclusions: I, II, III, IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
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  1. Statements: Some Cats are Rats. All bats are tables. All Rats are Bats.
    I. Some Cats are bats
    II. All bats are rats
    III. All tables are cats
    IV. All bats are cats
    1. Only I & II follow
    2. Only II follows
    3. Only I & IV follow
    4. None of these
    Answer Key: 4
    Explanation: Clearly, from the diagram Conclusion I is true. So option 4.
  2. Statements: Some ships are boats. All boats are submarines. Some submarines are yatches.
    I. Some yatches are boats.
    II. Some submarines are boats.
    III. Some submarines are ships.
    IV. Some yatches are ships
    1. All follow
    2. Only II and III follow
    3. Only III follows
    4. Only IV follows
    Answer Key: 2
    Explanation: From the diagram we can infer that some submarines are boats and some submarines are ships. So 2nd option.
  3. Statements: All Carrots are birds. Some telephones are Carrots. All bedsheets are telephone.
    I. All bedsheet are birds
    II. Some bedsheet are birds
    III. Some birds are telephone
    IV. All telephone are birds
    1. Only I follows
    2. Only II follows
    3. Only I and III follow
    4. Only III follows
    Answer Key: 4
    Explanation: The diagram gives all the possibilities. But only conclusion III is true.
  4. Statements: Most CPUs are keyboards. No keyboard is a Mouse. All Mouses are CPU.
    I. Some keyboards are CPU
    II. All CPU’s are Mouse
    III. No Mouse is a keyboard
    IV. Some Mouse are keyboard
    1. Only I follows
    2. Only II and III follow
    3. Only I and III follow
    4. Only II follows
    Answer Key: 3
    Explanation: Clearly from the diagram, I and III are true.
  5. Statements: Samosas are Jalebi. All Jalebis are Tikki. All Tikkis are Barfi
    I. All Jalebis are Barfi
    II. All Tikkis are Samosas
    III. All Samosas are Barfi
    IV. All Barfi are Jalebi
    1. Only I and II follow
    2. Only I and III follow
    3. Only II and III follow
    4. All follow
    Answer Key: 2
    Explanation: Clearly from the diagram, I and III are true.
DIRECTIONS for questions 6 – 10: In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.
  1. Statements: Some eyes are ears. Some ears are lungs. All lungs are hands
    I. Some hands are eyes.
    II. Some hands are ears
    III. Some lungs are eyes
    IV. No hand is eye
    1. None follow
    2. Only IV follows
    3. Only II follows
    4. Only III follows
    Answer Key: 3
    Explanation: or
    From the diagram II definitely follows.
  2. Statements: All liquids are solids. Some solids are gases. All gases are clouds
    I. Some clouds are solids
    II. Some clouds are liquids
    III. Some gases are liquids
    IV. Some solids are clouds
    1. None follows
    2. Only I and II follow
    3. Only III and IV follow
    4. Only I and IV follow
    Answer Key: 4
    Explanation: Clearly from the diagram I and IV are true.
  3. Statements: All Gold are Platinum. No Platinum is silver. Some Diamonds are silver.
    I. Some Diamonds are Gold
    II. Some Diamonds are Platinum
    III. Some Gold are Silver
    IV. No Silver is Gold
    1. Only I follows
    2. Only III follows
    3. Only IV follows
    4. Only II and IV follow
    Answer Key: 3
    Explanation: From the diagram we see all the possibilities. Clearly only IV is true for all possibilities.
  4. Statements: Some messages are whatsapp. All Hikes are whatsapp. All whatsapp are facebook.
    I. Some facebook are messages
    II. All hikes are facebook
    III. Some messages are hikes
    IV. Some message are facebook
    1. All follow
    2. Only I, II and III follow
    3. Only I, II and IV follow
    4. Only III and IV follow
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    Answer Key: 3
    Explanation: Clearly from the diagram I, II and IV are true.
  5. Statements: No watch is cycle. No cycle is Motorbike. Some auto are motorbike
    I. No Motorbike is watch
    II. No motor bike is cycle
    III. Some cycles are watches
    IV. All Motorbikes are watches
    1. None follows
    2. Only I follows
    3. Only I and III follow
    4. None of these
    Answer Key: 4
    Explanation: Clearly from the diagram, No Motorbike is cycle. So II follows. Hence option 4.